Undergoing projects

COST: European Network on NMR Relaxometry (ID CA15209). Duration: 4 years, starting from February 2016. Mission of the COST is to enable break-through scientific and technological developments leading to new concepts and products and thereby contribute to strengthening Europe’s research and innovation capacities.

Find out more on COST at: http://eurelax.uwm.edu.pl/

H2020 founded projects:

1. Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field Cycling MR - IDentIFY (H2020- PHC 11-2015)

It is expected that imaging performed for different magnetic fields, especially very low ones, enables obtaining information on pathological changes in tissues that are not available for “traditional” methods of medical NMR imaging employing a single magnetic field. The task of the Olsztyn group is the development of appropriate theoretical tools linking the properties of tissues with their spin relaxation. The most demanding task is to formulate a model of relaxation processes at extremely low magnetic fields, when local magnetic dipolar interactions exceed the Zeeman coupling.

Find out more on IDentIFY at: http://www.identify-project.eu

2. Contrast by Nuclear Quadrupole Enhanced Relaxation – CONQUER (H2020-FETOPEN-20142015-RIA)

The project CONQUER is focusing on the development of a radically new type of MRI contrast agent based on an effect called quadrupole relaxation enhancement (QRE). CONQUER aims to benefit from frequency specific character of QRE as to obtain “smart” agents whoes contrast can be switched on and off through internal meachisms like binding to specific cells, pH change etc or by changing magnetic field of MRI scanner with FFC MRI. The project focuses especially on compounds including non-toxic 209Bi and grafted onto biocompatible nanoparticles based on polysaccharides.

Find out more on CONQUER at: http://conquer.at/

Other international projects:

Cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia)

  • Dynamics of dendrimers by means of NMR, Dielectric Spectroscopy and Neutron Scattering methods (2015)
  • Dynamics of dendrimers and dendrimer-based nanoparticles by means of NMR Relaxometry, Dielectric Spectroscopy and Nеutrоn Scattering method (2016)

Domestic projects:

  • W poszukiwaniu biomarkerów żywności z wykorzystaniem relaksometrii magnetycznego Rezonansu Jądrowego (ang. An NMR Relaxometry quest for the biomarkers of food) (funded by National Centre for Science)
  • Dynamika molekularna w roztworach hydrokoloidowych (ang. Molecular dynamics in hydrocolloidal solutions) (funded by National Centre for Science)

Recently finished projects:

  • Dynamics of biomolecular systems by means of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Relaxometry, 2013-2016 (funded by National Centre for Science)
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry in solids, 2013-2016 (funded by National Centre for Science)
  • 1H relaxation in solutions of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, 2013-2015, (funded by National Centre for Science)

Honorable mention: investment project for the Laboratory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry at University of Warmia and Mazury, 2013, funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education